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We Tried Reiki for the First Time—Here’s What We Think

All about the energy healing technique you may not know you needed.

Anyone living in Hong Kong is familiar with the hustle and bustle in this city. Piling on COVID stress and the uncertainties that come along with a global pandemic, everyone is looking for wellness treatments and relaxation techniques. Reiki is beginning to become more accepted in hospitals and people are turning to it as an alternative therapy, so we visited Reiki coach Sarah Kalmeta’s studio to try Reiki for ourselves.

Kalmeta explained that our bodies are like pipes with energy moving throughout. Wherever there are blockages in the energy, discomfort arises and can seep into other aspects of our lives. As a Japanese energy healing technique, Reiki encourages mental, emotional, and physical healing in patients via Reiki practitioners. Rather than having an innate ability to heal people, Reiki practitioners serve as channels to transfer universal energy into blockages in patients’ bodies to ease tension. 

The Ambience

The moment I stepped into Kalmeta’s studio, I was greeted by her gentle voice and welcoming attitude. The room was dimly lit with dusk lighting seeping in through the windows, and a massage bed set up in the middle of the room. Kalmeta offered me a cup of water and asked if the room temperature was alright to make sure I was comfortable and not too cold, since my body temperature would drop when I relax. Then Kalmeta briefly explained what Reiki was and what she would be doing throughout the session.

The Session

As Kalmeta was helping me settle into the bed lying face up, arms by my side, she encouraged me to approach the Reiki session with a sense of gratitude. Eyes closed, I focused on my breath as well as the things and people that I am grateful for, and let Kalmeta begin the session.

Sarah Kalmeta, a holistic lifestyle coach based in Hong Kong. (Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Kalmeta)

First, Kalmeta gently placed her hands over my jaw, while breathing Ujjayi Breath, or Ocean Breath, which is a common basic breathing technique in yoga. Although this breath is her personal style, she normally does not maintain it throughout the entire session, just mostly at the beginning to help clients get into a relaxed state and where she feels energy blockages.

After several minutes, Kalmeta’s hands moved to my head, then to my shoulders, chest, hips, and finally down my legs, while resting her hands at each body part for at least five minutes. For all clients, she always starts at the head or the top of the body then works her way down, but the sequence of body parts Kalmeta heals is different for each person. She is intuitively pulled to different areas based on the clients’ needs and energy flow and blockages.

Our Verdict

Going into this Reiki session, I was not sure what to expect because it was a novel experience for me. In the first 15 minutes of the session, in addition to feeling a sense of gratitude, I also felt a sense of curiosity as I approached Reiki with an open mind. But once my thoughts settled down, I was in a deep state of relaxation. I might have even fallen asleep towards the last ten minutes of the session. As someone who meditates regularly, the results of Reiki felt much like the physical calmness and mental serenity at the end of a meditation session. After all, I was lying down and focusing on my breath and gratitude for one hour. That night, I slept very well and had vivid dreams.

It goes without saying that healing comes from within, so whether or not you think Reiki is for you is a personal choice. For me, Kalmeta’s Reiki session was a wonderful way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, even just for a little while, and come back recharged and refreshed. If you’re looking to enhance your overall well-being, give Reiki a try!

Book a Reiki session with Sarah Kalmeta here